New Year’s Message from Pastor Norval Morley

Another year has slipped away and we are all closer to the return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, but we have so much to do.  Our vision at Kingdom Glory Centre is for the lost, to bring them to the saving grace of Jesus.  We want to rescue them and bring them into a lasting relationship and train them to go out and bring in others and allow this process to be ongoing.  We also see much need in our communities for all types of ministry and we are getting our people ready to take up leadership roles in many different ministries.

Our focus for 2014 is to obtain a building of our own so we can minister in many different area on a 24-7 basis.  That is going to take money and great commitment to achieve.  We know it is God’s will for us and because of that we have established a building fund and are encouraging people to donate as the Lord leads them.  Once we have a base of operations you can expect ministries to assist diverse people groups in our communities.  We will also be in a position to offer church activities of all types – basically something for everyone to take part in.  The leadership at Kingdom Glory Centre are united in Godly truth and we hold the Word of God as our guide in all matters.  This is the way we teach, preach and counsel and are seeing great results as God changes lives.

Let me encourage all persons in this Year of the Open Door to position yourselves for great things that God has prepared for you.  If you are already part of Kingdom Glory Centre, we look forward to continuing to serve the Lord together.  If you would like to come and join our ministry, you need only come and let us get to know you.  If you are a friend and are serving is another ministry, we encourage you to continue, and do your best to serve God.  We are expecting great things in 2014.  Check our website for updates as the year progresses.

Bless you all dear friends,

Pastor Norval Morley

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